The Emotions We Transfer To Our Children

The emotions that we transmit to our children are key to their development. Although sometimes we are not aware of it, children perceive our emotions. They absorb them. And they interpret them in their own way. That is why it is so important that we are aware of what we feel. And that we work individually to generate more positive emotions.

At The Vine Learning Center, we know that both in early education and in the family, adults transmit emotions to the little ones. And being aware of this is the first step to acting for the benefit of the health and emotional development of children.

The importance of taking care of the emotions that we transmit to our children.

Adults are not machines. And children are not stupid. What do we mean by this? Adults cannot always hide sadness, worries, or fears. The emotional discomfort of the adult is there. And that the little ones are not going to stop intuiting or perceiving how we feel, no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

So what can you do?


  • Be aware of our emotional wounds and pains. Not to hide them or to learn to hide them. On the contrary. The goal is to modify them, change them, and work on them to recover.
  • Achieve recognition and acceptance of emotions. It doesn’t matter if the child sees us sad. What we must make clear to him is that he is not the cause of our state, nor is he responsible for solving it.
  • Trust communication. Explaining with adequate words for their understanding of what happens to us gives them security.
  • Overprotection in childhood is not positive. It is the basis for creating insecure adolescents and adults.

How to transmit more positive emotions to the little ones.

Is there any way to improve the emotions we feel? What can we do for the emotional well-being of the family?

  • Generate positive emotions in the family. Be aware of the importance of feeling good. And create family moments that make us feel and transmit those positive emotions.
  • Get to know each other better. Do you know what makes you happy? What makes you enjoy yourself together? What moments or activities provide you with greater emotional stability?
  • Understand the importance and value of saying I love you. And prove it every day.
  • Analyze which are the topics that we talk about the most at home in front of the children. They include work, family, politics, and concerns about certain topics. Understand what emotions these topics generate in us.

It is also convenient too;

  • Focus on what concerns us towards improvement and not remain with empty complaints.
  • Learn to apologize quickly. It is difficult for all of us but it is essential that we do it. Whether we owe the apology to the little ones or to other adults in the family.
  • Talk about the good things that happen to us and transmit those emotions to our children. Maybe each night you can share two or three good things that have happened to you during the day and how they have made you feel.

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